Onboarding information

Specialized faculty

Sabbatical leave request process (faculty)

Summer salary request (faculty)

Salary Request Form: Needs to be completed by April 15. If your salary request is something other than 1/9th of your salary, please provide that amount in your answer to question #6. Requests are subject to executive officer approval and may need to be resubmitted after review. To ensure timely processing, please obtain approval from your executive officer prior to submitting this form.

Service in excess (SIE) of 100%

Service in excess of 100% payments are paid for overload teaching (overload is defined as teaching duties performed over and above the employee’s normal required teaching load) or for other special projects or assignments normally outside an employee’s routine responsibilities after the service is performed. All necessary approvals must be obtained prior to services being performed. 

Below are the SIE policy and guidelines to follow, as well as the SIE form to be used.