Payroll information
All employees at the University of Illinois System are paid on either a biweekly or a monthly basis, determined by their employment category.
The system pays biweekly employees every other Wednesday approximately 10 days after the pay period end date. The system pays monthly paid employees on the fifteenth of the month. If the fifteenth of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, then the pay date is the last workday prior.
Web-based earnings statements are available three days prior to payday on the Earning Statements page. To access your online earnings information, you will need your Bluestem/Campus Network ID. If you have not already set up your ID, information on how to do so is available at Technology Services.
My UI Info enables university employees to securely view and update their personal and employment information.
Schedules & time sheet resources
Benefits and tax information
- Systems Human Resources: Benefits, compensation, and leave information
- Benefits Information
- Tax Information (additional information about FICA and Medicare withholding can be found on the FICA tab in the menu on the left-hand side)
Leave information
- Work Time Flexibility and Time Off Approval Process
- Benefits: Benefits, compensation, and leave information
- ATLAS: Vacation and sick leave tracker