Tania Ionin, Professor of Linguistics, has been named a University Scholar in recognition of her excellence in teaching, scholarship and service.
Professor Ionin is a world-renowned scholar in the fields of Semantics and Second Language Acquisition, as well as an award-winning teacher and mentor.
She is also affiliated with Slavic Languages and Literatures; Spanish and Portuguese; the Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education Program; the Russian, East European & Eurasian Center; and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies “which is indicative of the breath of her knowledge and her generous service to the School and the University,” said L. Elena Delgado, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Director of the School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics. Earlier this spring, Professor Ionin was selected to receive the Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholar award for three years, starting Fall 2021. The College-level award honors exceptional women teachers.
Begun in 1985, the scholars program recognizes faculty excellence on the three University of Illinois campuses and provides $15,000 to each scholar for each of three years to enhance his or her academic career. The money may be used for travel, equipment, research assistants, books or other purposes.