The Department of Linguistics recently announced its award recipients for their accomplishments during the 2020-2021 academic year.
In the MA in Teaching English as a Second Language category, Alice Houston received the Peter Strevens Award for Academic Excellence, and the Peter Strevens Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Intensive English Institute (IEI). In addition, Jennifer Zhang received the Mary A. Hussey Award for Excellence in ESL Teaching. And, Mengjia Zeng and Sarah Morrow each won the Katherine O. Aston Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis.
In the category of Linguistics and Less Commonly Taught Languages awards, Wafa Abdulla, Yan Sun, Anna Tsiola and Mien-Jen Wu received the C.W. Kim Research Award in Linguistics. Maria Goldshtein won the Silver Jubilee Award for Outstanding TA (Teaching Assistant) in Linguistics. Aylin Coskun Kunduz received the Henry R. Kahane Award for Outstanding TA in Non-western languages. Nick Bellizzi, Sarah Clark, Joshua Dees and Kara Yarrington received the Linguistics Student Leadership Award. And Stephanie Chen, Joshua Cheng and Carson Florey won the Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Linguistics Award.
Congratulations to all the winners!