Carmen Gallegos of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese has been awarded a Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship for AY 2021-2022. This competitive, campus-level award will allow Carmen to complete her dissertation project, “Quantifying Amazonia: Ecocritical fictions during and beyond the rubber boom in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil (19th-21st centuries),” which she is writing under the guidance of Professor Mariselle Meléndez.
Carmen’s research interests include 20th and 21st century Latin American literature and culture.
She also has been awarded a Whitten Fellowship from the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies for her project “Postcards in the Marketplace: 19th and 20th centuries Amazon Imagery in a Contemporary Digital Archive,” to be conducted in summer 2021.
Carmen also received the Best Graduate Paper Award for 2020 from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
She has been named numerous times to the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students.