
Megan Gargiulo, Ph.D. student, Spanish and Portuguese and HRI Fellow for 2021-22.
Three SLCL professors and one doctoral student have won HRI (Humanities Research Institute) Fellowships for the 2021–22 academic year, with projects that address the theme “Symptoms of Crisis”.
They are among seven faculty members and seven graduates to be honored this year.
The recipients include:
- John Levi Barnard (Comparative and World Literature), “The Edible and the Endangered: Food, Empire, Extinction”
- Carolyn Fornoff (Spanish and Portuguese), “Mexican Culture in the Era of Climate Change”
- Bruce Rosenstock (Religion), “Flesh of One’s Flesh: A Black Hebrew Theology of Kinship”
- Megan Gargiulo (Ph.D. student, Spanish and Portuguese), “Race, Gender, and Recogimiento: Discursive Representations of Space, Sexuality, and Productivity in Late Colonial Mexico”